Agrifoodtech opens up to new horizons
China-Hong Kong: new prospects for italian start-ups. Opportunities, strategies and partners in the challenge towards internationalization
10:15 – Registration of participants
10:30 – The Hong Kong FoodTech ecosystem. Opportunities for Italian companies
Sindy Wong,Head of Tourism & Hospitality – InvestHK
10:45 – Testimony by a successful Italian FoodTech Startup in Hong Kong
Gabriele Castagnetti, Co-founder of FairFlavor’s
11:00 – Q&A
11:15 – Roundtable discussion:
What is the state of the art of the Italian Agrifoodtech system?
What prospects for internationalization?
What suggestions to take up the challenge of the Chinese market and make the best use of Hong Kong as a gateway to China?
11:45 – Panel discussion:
Sindy Wong,Head of Tourism & Hospitality – InvestHK
Alberto Motta, Head of Marketing & Communication – dpixel
Marco Gaiani, Partner – Linfa Ventures
Moderator: Antonio Iannone – Agrifood Tech Italia
12:00 – Presentation of the GBA* Roadshow for Italian InnoTech SMEs
Stefano De Paoli, Italy Representative – InvestHK
Giorgio Ciron, General Director – InnovUp
12:30 – Networking Buffet